Friday, December 10, 2004

Theme Fourteen: Risks

Theme 14
We take risks everyday in the decisions we make, some take more risks than others; even when they are educated about the consequences of the risks they are taking.
There are two women from my past that I still associate with. As for most of the other girls that I grew up with, they made poor decisions, and I stop hanging out with them
I cheered my freshmen year of high school for football season. There were seven girls on the squad; four of those girls now have children.
Why is it that these women have had sex education since they were ten, and they continue to sleep around promiscuously and unprotected? I call them women, only because they have the ability to procreate, but they are still girls.
My best friend in fifth grade conceived her first child at the age of fourteen, and her baby was born one day after her fifteenth birthday. She is now nineteen and has three children. Luckily, they all have the same father. But didn’t she learn the first time? Or what about the fact that her mother is young and received child support from two different fathers. The youngest of her brothers impregnated one of her friends. These kids didn’t learn strong values about sex, so they manifested the same behavior as their mother and received the same consequences. I just don’t get it.
Two of my old friends from catholic school have children, little girls may I add. One of these girl’s older brother has three babies, and all with different mothers.
I have watched a friend go through the process of guilt and depression followed by an abortion. I have waited in offices with friends, waiting to find out if they contracted an STD. I have watched these kids with their children. A year and a half ago I was titled Aunty.
I just wish that these individuals would have made better decisions; don’t get drunk and fuck, develop some discipline and integrity. Show that you respect yourself, your body and the one life that you are given.
I see children as a burden at this point in my life. If I decide to have children it won’t be until my thirties, I would want a planned pregnancy, a home, and the ability to provide a stable environment for my child.
I worked with this girl this summer; she and her boyfriend have two children together. Her boyfriend had his first child at thirteen. What kind of a childhood is that? He wasn’t even old enough to be left home alone, but he had a child?
I do sound mean, but this is what I believe in. Becoming pregnant or contracting an STD, are my greater fears in life. So I do not condone kids having kids. I don’t understand why adolescents don’t take sex seriously or engage in responsible sex. There are plenty of contraceptive methods and services available to prevent becoming pregnant or contracting STD’s.
There are always expectations. My cousin was the captain of her soccer team, and became pregnant at eighteen. Her family was religious, and her community. She and her long term boyfriend only had sex once a month, directly after her period, but she still became pregnant. Chris was born, they both graduate high school and her boyfriend enlisted into the military. After boot camp, they were married. They had one more child, two years later. Carlie went on went on birth control, and conceived their third child. Two months after giving birth to Nevin, she conceived her fourth child; soon after her husband had a vasectomy. The exception here is that they have a stable home; they are married and make positive decisions for their children.
My best friend’s older sister conceived her child the same night she lost her virginity, the condom broke.
My friend Allen dated this girl who was missing an ovary, so she couldn’t have children. Well that wasn’t true, his world came crashing down. When he was eighteen he went for a vasectomy, but they told him that you have to be in your twenties. They want to make sure that that is what he really wanted. He did, he was certain, but he was denied. Now he wants to run out on the situation. He said, “I am not a father. That is not what I am supposed to do with my life.”
A lot of the times, I see young teens with older men, some these men thrive on being the first to penetrate and virgin vagina. They tell these girls they love them, and that they are beautiful, and time over time con their way in, “Let me put in it just once with out a condom.” That is how a conception happensRelationships are risky, sex in risky, abstinence in the most preventable method. We are sexual creatures, it is instinctual, we are meant to procreate; but you can still have fun in the rain, wearing a raincoat

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Risky topic. I like that and I like your fury and disgust too--even I who am around your peers and cohorts professionally didn't realize that there were quite these many people playing in the rain and tracking mud back into the house, despite all their mummas' warnings.... I'm afraid to go back and count exactly how many unwanted pregnancies there are in here.