Orange and kind, he wanders around for another adventure; stepping softly and swiftly through the terrain. Sensing out the danger, and sometimes just imagining it. Forward, to the left, then to the right, and forward again, exploring the options within bounds. Marking milestones along the way, until discovering a cool spot, out of the lights view and nestling in for a while, cozy, comfortable and free of care. Laying in limbo until the hunger sets in, crafting his movements.
Discovering a treasure, and with burning patience, still in his tracks just observing and studying until the moment arrives. With ambitious strength, and inspirational faith, he pounces and sinks his teeth into an elating taste of victory and with instinctual impulse; he proudly carries his earrings to his homestead. Dropping his trophy onto the doorstep, he returns filled with warmth, and gratitude. He sips from his bowl and rinsing the conceit from his tongue. Then he climbs up into my lap and shares his energy.
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